Air Gripper ARM-Kseries

New-Era Co., Ltd.

Air Gripper ARM-Kserie05
Air Gripper ARM-Kseries
Air Gripper ARM-Kseries
Air Gripper ARM-Kserie04

Compatible with the dual-arm SCARA robot "duAro 1,2" robotics R series.
Pneumatic system.
Including mounting attachment, open/close sensor, open/close speed control valve, and materials required for installation.
Compliant with ISO9409-1-31.5-4-M5
Adopting high precision and high rigidity bearing, it can be used for long grip point applications.

Robot Specifications

  • Supported RobotsCompatible robots are as follows. * Select a robot according to the gripper and work weight.
  • Application Software
  • Robot OptionsR series: Built-in solenoid valve, sensor harness, duAro series: Standard specifications are available

Data Download

For manuals and technical data related to the product itself, please obtain from the above website link.
For wiring / piping, see "Installation / Connection Manual" and "Option Harness Manual" for the R series, and "duAro, Instruction Manual" for duAro.

Application Video