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e-News No.49

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e-News No.49 (PDF:285.4K )

Pepper×duAro collaboration01

Pepper×duAro collaboration

Introducing “Pepper” into Kawasaki Robostage

e-News No.48

e-News Archives

e-News No.48 (PDF:307.9K )

“Kawasaki Robostage” Official Website Opened

“Kawasaki Robostage” Official Website Opened

网站公开通知 웹사이트 오픈 알림

e-News No.47

e-News Archives

e-News No.46

e-News Archives

e-News No.46 (PDF:310.4K )

“Kawasaki Robostage” Official Website Opened

The total number of visitors to “Kawasaki Robostage” reached 10,000!

到访者累计达到一万人! 입장자수 누계 1만명 돌파!

e-News No.45

e-News Archives

The latest news. It’s renewed once in two months. Information on the most new model is also carried. (PDF:262.3K )

“Kawasaki Robostage” Official Website Opened

Kawasaki Opens Tokyo Robot Center Showroom “Kawasaki Robostage”.

Tokyo, August 5, 2016 – Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. announced today its opening of Tokyo Robot Center Showroom in Odaiba, Tokyo as a new facility to offer robotics-related information. The facility will begin operations on August 6. (PDF:397.2K )

e-News No.44

e-News Archives