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50-Year History of Kawasaki Heavy Industries’ Robotics Business


Kawasaki’s Exhibition at iREX2017

Kawasaki had its biggest showing yet at the International Robot Exhibition 2017 (iREX2017) held in Tokyo from Nov. 29 through Dec. 2. Check out this video to see the many new products and technologies we showcased. “From industrial to fully integrated robot manufacturer” is our message as we celebrate our 50th anniversary in robotics this year.

Kawasaki Robots Perform Laser Show in Cologne Cathedral, Germany

機器人首次在教堂表演!為了吸引年輕人參觀這座歷史悠久的科隆大教堂,並在2016年8月在德國科隆舉行的全球最大的電腦遊戲展GAMESCON上反映其信息,教堂與波鴻魯爾大學建立了聯繫專責小組提供協助。結果是創建了一個獨特的活動,即SilentMOD燈光和音樂表演,其中包括三個Kawasaki RS005L機器人。川崎機器人有限公司很榮幸能有機會支持這種美麗而富有創意的工作。

Kawasaki Robotics feat. NUMBERS No:Z

What happens when human imagination meets Kawasaki technology? A perfectly engineered choreography that captures the essence of harmonized movement between humans and robots, performed by world-renowned animation dance duo NUMBERS No:Z and Kawasaki robots.

For more info on the video

Kawasaki: Kawasaki Robotics, Akashi / Nishi-Kobe Works


Ninja H2R Framework Welding

We have over 45 years of experience developing robots that improve manufacturing productivity and quality for both our customers, and ourselves – see Kawasaki robots weld the frame of the new Kawasaki Ninja H2R motorcycle.