VG10電動真空吸盤 機器人 VG10 - 靈活、可調節的電動真空夾持器 ・開箱即用的部署——插入機器人手臂並配置夾具以適應產品,提供快速的生產力和投資回報。 ・無需外部供氣,可降低維護成本並加快部署速度。 ・雙夾持功能可縮短循環時間。 網站 機器人規格 對應機器人RS007N/L(F 控制器) duAro1/duAro2(F控制器) 資料下載 Manual /Technical documents /OthersDownloadDocumentation and technical data related to the product is available at the Download URL. Kawasaki has provided a sample program of applicable videos. Please feel free to contact us. 應用視頻 K-AddOn OnRobot VGC10 電動真空夾持器
Documentation and technical data related to the product is available at the Download URL.
Kawasaki has provided a sample program of applicable videos. Please feel free to contact us.