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  • To become a robot manufacturer that solves societal issues. Kawasaki Heavy Industries will continue by your side to take on these challenges.
  • A Kawasaki robot for every applicatíon.

Why choose Kawasaki Robotics

Kawasaki Heavy Industries was one of the first companies to manufacture and sell industrial robots in Japan, the world’s predominant robot manufacturing country. As an all-around engineering company with technologies that serve areas covering land, sea, and air, we have always developed the most advanced robots. We also provide comprehensive customer support to cover the entire life-cycle of a robot, from installation to operation.

Learn more about Kawasaki’s industrial robots

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Kawasaki Robotics (UK) Ltd
Tel: +44(0)1925 5713000
Email: info@kawasakirobotuk.com

News & Updates


Kawasaki Robotics Presents ‘Ask the Experts’ Facility at Mach 2020


Human Ingenuity: Kippei Matsuda’s journey from NFL AI competition winner to AI solution developer at Kawasaki Robotics.

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Japan Robot Association(JARA)
Japan Robot Association(JARA)
International Federation of Robotics(IFR)
International Federation of Robotics(IFR)
Robot Revolution and Industry IoT Initiative Council (RRI)
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