Kawasaki Robostage Renewal Closure Notice

Kawasaki Robostage 休館日変更のお知らせ01

Kawasaki Robostage will be closed for the time being from April 1, 2025 due to construction work associated with its renovation. The reopening is scheduled for the fall of 2013.

Kawasaki Robostage opened in Odaiba, Tokyo, in 2016 with the concept of “realization of coexistence and cooperation between humans and robots,” and has continued to operate as a showroom where many visitors from Japan and abroad can see, touch, and experience robots. The renovated facility will be reborn as a place where visitors can learn about robots in more detail.

The schedule for the reopening will be announced on the website at a later date. After the renovation, we will strive to provide even better facilities and services, so please stay tuned for more information!

Click here for more information about Kawasaki Robostage

Kawasaki Robostage