Industry Leading Energy Efficiency

Green Robotics – A Vision of Sustainable Automation: With energy prices rising and sustainability becoming an increasingly important factor for our customers from all industries, Kawasaki Robotics EMEA puts the spotlight on its decisive advantages and innovation regarding the significant reduction of energy consumption in 2023.
The Right Sustainable Solution for You: Let us show you exactly what makes Kawasaki Robotics the perfect manufacturer and partner for an efficient, energy-saving and sustainable automation. Not only are our robots more efficient than anything else on the markt, but we constantly improve their performance: Since 2015 our robots have become 25 % more energy efficient on average.
Our state-of-the-art technology makes it possible to operate our powerful multi-purpose industrial robots with impressive energy efficiency. 100 percent performance with at least 20 percent less energy consumption – compared to the best the current robotics market has to offer.
No Compromise – Maximum Performance and Efficiency: The established Kawasaki Robotics E Controller enables our robots to perform with at least 20 % higher energy efficiency compared to the current robotics market. In addition, our latest F Controller generation allows for an even better performance.
We are happy to send you examples of our benchmarks and results as well as to connect you to our experts to talk you through our data – including real-time calculations based on energy prices and your individual parameters.

How else can we help you? Let us know!
Marc Kluge