Line Scan Camera Line Scan series


Line Scan Camer
Line Scan Camera

Whereas conventional image processing systems have a hard time with minute defects, the XG-X offers
significantly enhanced detection capabilities. The combination of dedicated cameras, dedicated lighting,
and a newly developed algorithm enable automatic inspection of minute defects. These automatic
inspections help improve productivity by drastically improving cycle times through high-speed processing.

(Comment from Kawasaki)
By using Kawasaki Robot's unique tool tip movement output function, this product can significantly improve the takt time for visual inspection of large and curved products.
For more information, why don't you consider introducing the following K-AddOn products? Please contact us.

Robot Specifications

  • Supported RobotsArc welding robot for Controller F 60
  • Application SoftwareArc specification AS system software
  • Robot OptionsTool tip moving amount output function

Data Download

Please contact the person in charge of sales of Keyence Corporation for manuals, technical materials, etc. related to the product itself.
Kawasaki has provided a connection instruction manual and a sample program of the application video.
Please feel free to contact us.

Application Video