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Human Ingenuity: Kippei Matsuda’s journey from NFL AI competition winner to AI solution developer at Kawasaki Robotics.

Kaggle, a global AI data analysis competition platform, hosted the National Football League (“NFL”) and, Inc. […].

5 Surprising Costs of NOT Automating a Manufacturing Facility

Industrial automation systems come with a price but the effects of choosing not to automate can be just as impactful as the up front purchase price.

Ready for a Robot? Integration Insights for Welding Applications

Robot integration in many welding applications makes sense, given that welding is not conducive to pleasant working conditions for humans. Not only is it a hot and dirty process, but it also emits unhealthy chemicals such as…

5 Ways to Prevent Robotic Automation Downtime

By following these five simple suggestions from Kawasaki Robotics, minimizing robotic automation downtime is attainable for any size facility.

Robotic Maintenance Time? Call in the Experts.

When it’s robotic maintenance time, it’s a wise move to partner with an expert robot provider. Talk to Kawasaki Robotics for efficient, productive preventive maintenance.

Tips for an Industrial Robotics Upgrade or Retrofit

Industrial robots wear over time, resulting in lower performance. This is why upgrades and retrofits are so effective, and it’s why Kawasaki Robotics offers them.

What is an RPA Audit, and How Do you Know If You Need One?

These days, Na Xiong is an expert Process Engineer at Kawasaki Robotics. But if we rewind to his childhood, we would see a future engineer..

For Na Xiong, Finding the Solution Never Gets Old

These days, Na Xiong is an expert Process Engineer at Kawasaki Robotics. But if we rewind to his childhood, we would see a future engineer..

Got a Head-Scratching Commercial Automation Project? Might Be Time to Call CRG.

CRG Automation loves to show up every day to complete brilliant commercial automation projects together. We caught up with them to find out why.

Jeff Monte: Relentless Motor in a Kind and Capable Man

Why rest when your brain can build, create and figure things out? Jeff Monte, Production Supervisor at Kawasaki Robotics, has a motor like this. We’re thankful he does