The K-Positioners can manipulate products up to 3000 kg. Each of the positioners can be immediately delivered in standard configuration or can be customized to accommodate your individual needs. K-Positioners are based on the concept of modular construction. This makes it easy to modify the positioner and adapt it to the changing production needs.

Multi axis welding positioner with vertical rotating axes and 2 horizontal rotating axis and 125 kg payload

Multi axis welding positioner with 3 horizontal rotating axis, 2 stations and 125 kg payload

Multi axis welding positioner with 3 vertical rotating axis, 2 stations and 180 kg payload

Multi axis welding positioner with vertical rotating axes and 2 horizontal rotating axis and 250 kg payload – Compact version

Multi axis welding positioner with 3 horizontal rotating axis, 2 stations and 250 kg payload

Multi axis welding positioner with vertical rotating axes and 2 horizontal rotating axis and 250 kg payload

Multi axis welding positioner with 3 vertical rotating axis, 2 stations and 375 kg payload

Multi axis welding positioner with vertical rotating axes and 2 horizontal rotating axis and 500 kg payload

Multi axis welding positioner with vertical rotating axes and 2 horizontal rotating axis and 500 kg payload – Compact version

Multi axis welding positioner with 3 horizontal rotating axis, 2 stations and 500 kg payload

Multi axis welding positioner with 3 vertical rotating axis, 2 stations and 750 kg payload

Multi axis welding positioner with 3 horizontal rotating axis, 2 stations and 1000 kg payload

Multi axis welding positioner with vertical rotating axes and 2 horizontal rotating axis and 1000 kg payload